Chance-constrained economic dispatch of generic energy storage under decision-dependent uncertainty
2023ArticleJournal paper
N. Qi, P. Pinson, M. R. Almassalkhi, L. Cheng, Y. Zhuang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 14(4), pp. 2234-2248
Publication year: 2023
Compared with large-scale physical batteries, aggregated and coordinated generic energy storage (GES) resources provide low-cost, but uncertain, flexibility for power grid operations.While GES can be characterized by different types of uncertainty, the literature mostly focuses on decision-independent uncertainties (DIUs), such as exogenous stochastic disturbances caused by weather conditions. Instead, this manuscript focuses on newly-introduced decision-dependent uncertainties (DDUs) and considers an optimal GES dispatch that accounts for uncertain available state-of-charge (SoC) bounds that are affected by incentive signals and discomfort levels. To incorporate DDUs, we present a novel chance-constrained optimization (CCO) approach for the day-ahead economic dispatch of GES units. Two tractable methods are presented to solve the proposed CCO problem with DDUs: (i) a robust reformulation for general but incomplete distributions of DDUs, and (ii) an iterative algorithm for specific and known distributions of DDUs. Furthermore, reliability indices are introduced to verify the applicability of the proposed approach with respect to the reliability of the response of GES units. Simulation-based analysis shows that the proposed methods yield conservative, but credible,GES dispatch strategies and reduced penalty cost by incorporating DDUs in the constraints and leveraging data-driven parameter identification. This results in improved availability and performance of coordinated GES units.
To share or not to share? Alternative views on a future of collaborative forecasting
2022ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson
Foresight 67(7), pp. 8-15
Publication year: 2022
Distributed data refers to information that flows from different sources and possibly different owners. Getting top value from distributed data requires a paradigm shift towards collaborative forecasting. Alternative frameworks exist to support collaborative forecasting, from collaborative analytics to data markets, and from analytics markets to prediction markets. While we should accept that not all data will be openly shared, rethinking forecasting processes with modern communication, distributed computation, and a market component could yield substantial improvements in forecast quality while unleashing new business models
Regression markets and application to energy forecasting
2022ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, L. Han, J. Kazempour
TOP 30, pp. 533–573
Publication year: 2022
Energy forecasting has attracted enormous attention over the last few decades, with novel proposals related to the use of heterogeneous data sources, probabilistic forecasting, online learning, etc. A key aspect that emerged is that learning and forecasting may highly benefit from distributed data, though not only in the geographical sense. That is, various agents collect and own data that may be useful to others. In contrast to recent proposals that look into distributed and privacy-preserving learning (incentive-free), we explore here a framework called regression markets. There, agents aiming to improve their forecasts post a regression task, for which other agents may contribute by sharing their data for their features and get monetarily rewarded for it. The market design is for regression models that are linear in their parameters, and possibly separable, with estimation performed based on either batch or online learning. Both in-sample and out-of-sample aspects are considered, with markets for fitting models in-sample, and then for improving genuine forecasts out-of-sample. Such regression markets rely on recent concepts within interpretability of machine learning approaches and cooperative game theory, with Shapley additive explanations. Besides introducing the market design and proving its desirable properties, application results are shown based on simulation studies (to highlight the salient features of the proposal) and with real-world case studies.
Continuous and distribution-free probabilistic wind power forecasting: A conditional normalizing flow approach
2022ArticleJournal paper
H. Wen, P. Pinson, J. Ma, J. Gu, Z. Jin
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13(4), pp. 2250-2263
Publication year: 2022
We present a data-driven approach for probabilistic wind power forecasting based on conditional normalizing flow (CNF). In contrast with the existing, this approach is distribution-free (as for non-parametric and quantile-based approaches) and can directly yield continuous probability densities, hence avoiding quantile crossing. It relies on a base distribution and a set of bijective mappings. Both the shape parameters of the base distribution and the bijective mappings are approximated with neural networks. Spline-based conditional normalizing flow is considered owing to its non-affine characteristics. Over the training phase, the model sequentially maps input examples onto samples of base distribution, given the conditional contexts, where parameters are estimated through maximum likelihood. To issue probabilistic forecasts, one eventually maps samples of the base distribution into samples of a desired distribution. Case studies based on open datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed model, and allows us to discuss its advantages and caveats with respect to the state of the art.