Eventually, we aim at improving our renewable energy modelling and forecasting skills, since it may be possible to generate forecasts of close to state-of-the-art forecast quality without too much effort. For that we will cover a number of advanced topics in renewable energy forecasting, that aims to take you further than the basic concepts and approaches covered in the previous module. This includes for instance

  • going beyond linear regression
  • accepting nonstationarity and let models evolve with time
  • have a systematic approach to make modelling decisions based on available data 

The module is composed of a set of video lectures. The module introduction gives an overview of the theme and topics to be covered. The lecture slides are also made available.

Module 10 - Module introduction

Module 10 - From linear to nonlinear regression

Module 10 - Nonstationarity and time-adaptivity

Module 10 - Data-driven decisions