Publication Types:

Adaptive modeling and forecasting of wind power fluctuations with Markov-switching autoregressive models

2012ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, H. Madsen
Journal of Forecasting 31(4), pp. 281-313
Publication year: 2012

Adaptive calibration of (u,v)-wind ensemble forecasts

2012ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 138(666), pp. 1273-1284
Publication year: 2012

A transmission-cost-based model to estimate the amount of market-integrable wind resources

2012ArticleJournal paper
J.M. Morales, P. Pinson, H. Madsen
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27(2), pp. 1060-1069
Publication year: 2012

A general probabilistic forecasting framework for oshore wind power fluctuations

2012ArticleJournal paper
P.-J. Trombe, P. Pinson, H. Madsen
Energies 5(3), pp. 621-657
Publication year: 2012

Wind fluctuations over the North Sea

2011ArticleJournal paper
C.L. Vincent, P. Pinson, G. Giebel
International Journal of Climatology 31(11), pp. 1584-1595
Publication year: 2011

Spatio-temporal analysis and modeling of wind power forecast errors

2011ArticleJournal paper
J. Tastu, P. Pinson, E. Kotwa, H.Aa. Nielsen, H. Madsen
Wind Energy 14(1), pp. 43-60
Publication year: 2011

Influence of local wind speed and direction on wind power dynamics - Application to offshore very short-term prediction

2011ArticleJournal paper
C. Gallego, P. Pinson, H. Madsen, A. Costa, A. Cuerva
Applied Energy 88(11), pp. 4087- 4096
Publication year: 2011

Forecasting ocean waves - The ECMWF wave model and time-series methods

2011ArticleJournal paper
G. Reikard, P. Pinson, J. Bidlot
Ocean Engineering 38(10), pp. 1089-1099
Publication year: 2011

Resolving non-stationary spectral signals in wind speed time-series using the Hilbert-Huang transform

2010ArticleJournal paper
C.L. Vincent, G. Giebel, P. Pinson, H. Madsen
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49(2), pp. 253- 267
Publication year: 2010

Reliability diagrams for nonparametric density forecasts of continuous variables: accounting for serial correlation

2010ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, P. McSharry, H. Madsen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136(646), pp. 77-90
Publication year: 2010

On the market impact of wind energy forecasts

2010ArticleJournal paper
T. Jónsson, P. Pinson, H. Madsen
Energy Economics 32(2), pp. 313-320
Publication year: 2010

Feedback, competition and stochasticity in a day-ahead electricity market

2010ArticleJournal paper
P. Giabardo, M. Zugno, P. Pinson, H. Madsen
Energy Economics 32(2), pp. 292-301
Publication year: 2010

Conditional weighted combination of wind power forecasts

2010ArticleJournal paper
F. Thordarson, H. Madsen, H.Aa. Nielsen, P. Pinson
Wind Energy 13(8), pp. 751-763
Publication year: 2010

Conditional prediction intervals of wind power generation

2010ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, G. Kariniotakis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25(4), pp. 1845-1856
Publication year: 2010

Temperature prediction at critical points in district heating systems

2009ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, T.S. Nielsen, H.Aa. Nielsen, N.K. Poulsen, H. Madsen
European Journal of Operational Research 194(1), pp. 163-176
Publication year: 2009

Skill forecasting from ensemble predictions of wind power

2009ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, H.Aa. Nielsen, H. Madsen, G. Kariniotakis
Applied Energy 86(7-8), pp. 1326-1334
Publication year: 2009

From probabilistic forecasts to statistical scenarios of short-term wind power production

2009ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, G. Papaefthymiou, B. Klöckl, H.Aa. Nielsen, H. Madsen
Wind Energy 12(1), pp. 51-62
Publication year: 2009

Ensemble-based probabilistic forecasting at Horns Rev

2009ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, H. Madsen
Wind Energy 12(2), pp. 137-155
Publication year: 2009

Regime-switching modelling of the fluctuations of offshore wind generation

2008ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, L.E.A. Christensen, H. Madsen, P.E. Sørensen, M.H. Donovan, L.E. Jensen
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 96(12), pp. 2327-2347
Publication year: 2008

Probabilistic tools for planning and operating power systems with distributed energy storage

2008ArticleJournal paper
B. Klöckl, G. Papaefthymiou, P. Pinson
E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 125(12), pp. 460-465
Publication year: 2008

Modelling of power fluctuations from large offshore wind farms

2008ArticleJournal paper
P. Sørensen, N.A. Cutululis, A. Vigueras-Rodriguez, H. Madsen, P. Pinson, L.E. Jensen, J. Hjerrild, M. Donovan
Wind Energy 11(1), pp. 29-43
Publication year: 2008

Local linear regression with adaptive orthogonal fitting for the wind power application

2008ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, H.Aa. Nielsen, H. Madsen, T.S. Nielsen
Statistics and Computing 18(1), pp. 59-71
Publication year: 2008

ViLab: a Virtual Laboratory for collaborative research on wind power forecasting

2007ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, S. Lozano, I. Marti, G. Kariniotakis, G. Giebel
Wind Engineering 31(2), pp. 117-121
Publication year: 2007

Trading wind generation with short-term probabilistic forecasts of wind power

2007ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, C. Chevallier, G. Kariniotakis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22(3), pp. 1148-1156
Publication year: 2007

Nonparametric probabilistic forecasts of wind power: required properties and evaluation

2007ArticleJournal paper
P. Pinson, H.Aa. Nielsen, J.K. Møller, H. Madsen, G. Kariniotakis
Wind Energy 10(6), pp. 497-516
Publication year: 2007